Your Ballot
The individual ballot paper for the Board election will be available to every member in MyVDT from March 24 (start of the election). We explain where to find it.
The individual ballot paper for the Board election will be available to every member in MyVDT from March 24 (start of the election). We explain where to find it.
Jürgen Marchlewitz wurde als neuer Präsidenten bestätigt. Der übrige Vorstand setzt sich zusammen aus Christopher Sauder Engeler, Daniela Rieger, Jörn Nettingsmeier, Marcel Remy und Ulrike Anderson.
In der Nacht zum Mittwoch (01.06.2022) endete die VDT-Vorstandswahl. Wir danken allen, die aktiv gewählt haben! Momentan wertet unser Rechtsanwalt die Daten noch aus; das Wahlergebnis folgt in Kürze.
Die Vorstandswahlen 2022 werden erstmals komplett über den Online-Auftritt des VDT abgewickelt, vollkommen anonym und unter Aufsicht unseres Rechtsanwalts. Hier gibt es weitere Hintergrundinfos ...
Per Email vom 3. Mai 2022 erhielten alle VDT-Wahlberechtigte die Wahlaufforderung zu den VDT-Vorstandswahlen 2022. Diese News fasst die wichtigen Wahlinformationen zusammen.
For the 2022 board election, we have simplified our election process. The individual ballot is waiting for each member in MyVDT. We explain where to find it once the election has started on May 3.
The list of candidates is online: The seven candidates for election for the six board positions promise experience, new ideas and different focus topics - the new board will be broadly positioned!
The VDT is looking for new board members and welcomes your candidacy!
The Extended Board of VDT has nominated Jürgen Marchlewitz on January 31st, 2022 as presidential candidate of the board election 2022. Three months later the board election can start.
Would you like to actively support the board election and become member of the election committee?